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| 19 |
| friendly |
| kind |
| pink lover |
| vain |
| punk |
| lethargic |
| shy |
| impatient |
| happy |
| drama queen |
| not necessarily a pessimist |

| food |
| sleep |
| dashboard confessional |
| water |
| coke |
| lip glosses |
| earrings |
| make-up |
| beauty bar |
| pictures |
| phone camera |
| friends |
| family |
| God |
| emo |
| jimmy lange |
| jesse brinkley |
| michael schumacer |
| kimi raikkonen |
| my nokia 6600 |
| my nokia 3230 |
| my palmOne zire 31 |
| music |
| movies |
| crushes |
| harry potter |
| lotr |
| spider-man |
| batman |
| tom cruise |
| brad pitt |
| johnny depp |
| ian somerhalder |

| skirt |
| earrings |
| lip gloss |
| bumblebee shades |
| stilettos |
| bikini |
| pritos rings |
| laptop |
| puppy chow chow |
| watch |
| anklet |
| full adobe photoshop |
| harry potter and the half-blood prince |
| green eye shadow |
| shirts |
| eye shadow brushes |
| world eradication of cockroaches |
| ersao |
| car |
| bo bice |
| money |
| go back to HK and shop til I drop |
| digicam, canon preferrably

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Thursday, April 28, 2005


i hate it!!!!Constantine went home from American Idol today. How could they do that to him? he's so good, based on his over-all performance. i think they should judge them better, not basing their votes wholly on last night's performance. yeah, i know he kinda sucked last night but it doesn't mean they shouldn't vote for him any more. i could've cried when he lost!! not because my 5-peso bet was on him but i think he really deserves to win. he's good, in fact he is great. but unfortunately, he lost. i can't believe scott was on the higher group. he didn't really suck but i though he was pitchy and boring. REALLY BORING. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. this is the worst American Idol show ever. hehe


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i like it.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fourth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


Monday, April 25, 2005

The Contender

Ishe lost. not that he's who i stick with but he was just really kawawa, 4 out of the 7 of them were against him: voted ahmed in to get him under ishe's skin. darn, ishe lost to sergio. i was hoping jimmy lange would be voted back in para may good and cute boxer. oh well,it's over, he's out a week ago pa.

looking at the bright side, alfonso beat the ever-so arrogant ahmed kaddour, who was, towards the end of the show, was a little more un-arrogant. i found him nice actually because i considered the fact that he knew a little english and even asked sergio mora to read to him a very personal letter. but ultimately, alfonso gomez was still hard to beat. i enjoyed the back-to-back episodes very much--fair games.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

the car ride from HELL

this half-day would have gone very fine, considering that i was able to wake up earlier than expected without feeling annoyed that i had to get up. i thought i was going to fetch my mom from Pan Pacific 11am today and when i got up to take a shower, i saw her in the room so i thought, "Oh great." i tried to sleep again but it wouldn't work anymore. after lunch we walked upto pan pacific because i wanted to buy coffee from gloria jean's and that's where it is so we did. it went fine, everything else did until...

until we went to the grocery to buy fruits for tomorrow's grandparents' visit. mei-mei was a total bitch the whole time!!!! she would have tantrums and both denise and i would so hate her until mom would start yakkity-yakking. grrrr. i hate it! so the whole journey home was like hell. mommy was talking NON-STOP. and it's all MEi-Mei's fault.


Friday, April 22, 2005

Friendster Blogs.

Eversince friendster finally actually released released their blogging service, my mail gets all these messages telling me that some of my friendster friends have started their own. i had also set up my own blog there last march but it was too boring for me. i mean you could customize it too..only if you pay for a fee. but i guess it's ok for other people. just not me. hehe

i just finished answering a really dumb survey. i mean when do you ever ask if somebody knows how to become a vampire? that's really crazy.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

so cute, puro dashboard confessional

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameDashboard Confessional
TrademarkExtreme Good Looks
Love InterestGirl Who Works At Starbucks
Quiz created with MemeGen!

what emo/pop-punk band will you join?
by thexbradley
band you join:Dashboard Confessional
instrument you play:Guitar
band you tour with:Senses Fail
years you are in the band:7
Quiz created with MemeGen!


Friday, April 15, 2005


i'm happy today. this day's full of crazy laughs. we've played dictionary games and harry potter games as well. it was really fun, no, not the questions but how we acted! we were so immature and we crack eachother up! we had out-of-this-world answers. this is like the first time we did this since summer started. i'm laughing so hard tonight i might cry tomorrow. hehehe though there isn't really anything to cry about when i think about it.



finally, i'm done with hunger. maybe not totally but at least i've eaten great food by mom. well lately i haven't been thinking alot. so "happenings in my life" are not so available. grrr i have to wake up early tomorrow because my mom's asking me to get my shobe's card from her school. as if i could say "no." well actually, i could. but through a joke. maybe it becomes an obligation to follow her because of "utang na loob." enough about family-stuff. i hate going to school, yeah, but part of me's excited to go back since i get to go out with friends kahit for 1 hour or less lang. *sigh* i miss them, lalo na knowing that we're probably not blockmates anymore. sana sila parin blockmates ko. i don't want to make new friends from new blockmates anymore. i'm tired of it. the first time during my move to holy spirit was tough, moving to highschool wasn't since all of my friends were going to the same school as i was, but first year college was TOUGHER than any other. so to sum it all up, i'm gonna repeat it--i want my 1E blockmates to still be my blockmates next semester!! and i've already made great friends..i don't want to find new ones. i just hope i'd still have my 1E great friends next semester. kahit isa lang. *sigh*

honestly, joketime's just a crush but i also miss seeing his face every other day. i mean he became part of my M-W-F routine. now, i have a new routine, in fact it became a DAILY ROUTINE. i bore myself, eat, bore myself, sleep. that's it. you know, what i really don't like about myself in the inside is why i crush on guys who have ALOT of girls/gays(if any) throwing themselves at the boy's feet. the guys who don't have that much people running after them are not exactly the type i'm looking for. they tend to be unattractive to me. but being a "heartthrob" is not what attracts me to the guy. it's just the plain, old physical appearance. most people are born that way and some are very lucky to get the person of their dreams feeling the same way. unfortunately, i'm not one of them. maybe i was able to do that before but now that i'm older it seems different. it became more difficult and it's hard for me. i'm someone who's ready to fall in love anytime. and long ago, i have fallen out. i'm ready to fall back in, with someone new, of course. well i'm thinking i must be in love with love itself, in love with having a boyfriend than in love with a boyfriend. yeah, that must be my problem and i'm making an effort to change that because i know that's bad. and i don't want to be bad.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

palatable and so refined

Mcdonald's French fries. aren't they? i'm actually craving for them right now. i'm missing all of the days i go to mcdonald's in recto during breaktimes. well, i don't really know if that's the real reason because another reason might be that i'm just so hungry and the first food i thought of was mcdonald's french fries. gosh, i'm so freakin hungry right now. my mom's already inviting us for dinner, this early. but it's fine with me because i might be dying with hunger if i wait until 8pm.


I'm Trying

I've been thinking about moving to blogger now, since i am finally able to understand it. haha Yeah, this is an old account. i tried to use it before but i dint quite get it. i tend to mess it up. and why i finaly understood the editing-stuff about blogger? from the boredom i get this summer. grabe, boredom can really be overwhelming pala. i really have nothing to do lang this summer so i had alot of time to figure blogger out. and i think i like it more since i can do whatever i want. xa*ga doesn't quite offer that--you still have to follow some placings blah, blah, blah. my sister denise thinks of moving too, but not here. she'd rather move to tab*las.


...or not. i'm really not sure. i mean i got my deliberation paper that says i passed but i can't stop thinking about my clearance. it turns out i have one missing signature and i think that's for Philosophy. i don't know why i don't have that because i was there the day he signed the clearances and i'm absolutely sure my paper was with him, together with the rest of the class. but i still passed my clearance anyway, having it signed by everyone except the dean. i sure hope they won't notice what i lack there.


u are?

ur site?


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