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| 19 |
| friendly |
| kind |
| pink lover |
| vain |
| punk |
| lethargic |
| shy |
| impatient |
| happy |
| drama queen |
| not necessarily a pessimist |

| food |
| sleep |
| dashboard confessional |
| water |
| coke |
| lip glosses |
| earrings |
| make-up |
| beauty bar |
| pictures |
| phone camera |
| friends |
| family |
| God |
| emo |
| jimmy lange |
| jesse brinkley |
| michael schumacer |
| kimi raikkonen |
| my nokia 6600 |
| my nokia 3230 |
| my palmOne zire 31 |
| music |
| movies |
| crushes |
| harry potter |
| lotr |
| spider-man |
| batman |
| tom cruise |
| brad pitt |
| johnny depp |
| ian somerhalder |

| skirt |
| earrings |
| lip gloss |
| bumblebee shades |
| stilettos |
| bikini |
| pritos rings |
| laptop |
| puppy chow chow |
| watch |
| anklet |
| full adobe photoshop |
| harry potter and the half-blood prince |
| green eye shadow |
| shirts |
| eye shadow brushes |
| world eradication of cockroaches |
| ersao |
| car |
| bo bice |
| money |
| go back to HK and shop til I drop |
| digicam, canon preferrably

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Friday, July 08, 2005

All the commotion about the wire tapping thingy is making me sick. i don't really fancy GMA for president but neither do i want FPJ if he's alive. now, the other people in the government so want GMA to resign. oh, so they want noli de castro to become president?i don't exactly think they do. geez, the guy doesn't even speak english. another thing, like 10 cabinet members resigned and asking for GMA's resignation as well. the thing is, i don't think they are ashamed of "what GMA did." i'm guessing it's about their reputation. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. durrh.

i think joke time's gay. really. it's just with the way he is. no gf, and his profile in friendster looks like he is. ew.


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