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| 19 |
| friendly |
| kind |
| pink lover |
| vain |
| punk |
| lethargic |
| shy |
| impatient |
| happy |
| drama queen |
| not necessarily a pessimist |

| food |
| sleep |
| dashboard confessional |
| water |
| coke |
| lip glosses |
| earrings |
| make-up |
| beauty bar |
| pictures |
| phone camera |
| friends |
| family |
| God |
| emo |
| jimmy lange |
| jesse brinkley |
| michael schumacer |
| kimi raikkonen |
| my nokia 6600 |
| my nokia 3230 |
| my palmOne zire 31 |
| music |
| movies |
| crushes |
| harry potter |
| lotr |
| spider-man |
| batman |
| tom cruise |
| brad pitt |
| johnny depp |
| ian somerhalder |

| skirt |
| earrings |
| lip gloss |
| bumblebee shades |
| stilettos |
| bikini |
| pritos rings |
| laptop |
| puppy chow chow |
| watch |
| anklet |
| full adobe photoshop |
| harry potter and the half-blood prince |
| green eye shadow |
| shirts |
| eye shadow brushes |
| world eradication of cockroaches |
| ersao |
| car |
| bo bice |
| money |
| go back to HK and shop til I drop |
| digicam, canon preferrably

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Rants of a Whiner.

Since I added an event in my calendar that would last for 3 days, I remembered that it's our immersion--this week. It's somewhere in Antipolo that would take me forever to get to the place. By myself, that is. It's a good thing, I'm not goung there by myself. Anyway, I hate it. We really don't need it. Just because the school's got a dingy, dirty, teeny-tiny staff house they think level 2 students should go there and sleep for two nights to "experience life in a community." I think it's bs. I mean, I am sure not one of us would EVER want to work in that kind of place. Crooked roads, dog turds in the way, legions of airborne dust, mosquitoes everywhere, scorching heat of the afternoon sun, no tap water, the list goes on. I was there last thursday and I got sick. The community's too much for my body. And I know I'm healthier than I am weak. I rarely get sick, but surprise, surprise! That one-day experience killed my usual immunity against colds and flu. Then now we'd have to sleep there for 2 nights and work during the days?? Oh, I have failed to mention this impropriety, but there aren't beds, the girls' room is across the boy's and there are no beds! Nada, zero, zilch, for the girls. AND there are like 14 girls out of 18 students to stay and sleep in a room the size of the quarter of a high school classroom. *sigh*
I'm sorry I'm such a whiner. I can't help but rant about it. I know nothing I'd say would change anything about it so there's actually no point. But you know, it's good to keep the rants and whines out every once in a while without speaking about it (I'm typing). Anyway, my dreamboat isn't there. :(


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